Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life on the Crazy Train

I feel like i can't get off....and i REALLY really want to. Work was hectic tonight....had a bit of an accident. Fire. Near Chemicals. Scary. Luckily everyone is fine so no biggie. I think the guys about wet themselves however since they were the closest.
73 days till the wedding. I'm excited. Scared. Worried. Happy. Hopeful. And thousands of other emotions I can't even being to describe. I need to be packing up more of my stuff but i'm so wiped most of the time it just doesn't get done. I really jsut want to pack up my nicknacks, pictures, dvds, cat and leave the rest behind, but then thats such a waste. I wish we as a people weren't so materialistic.

On another note, I wish all the stories that are crammed in my head would either get out or work themselves into something good. So many bits and pieces in my imagination, I can't help thinking that if I only had the time to sit down and actually write something good might actually come out. I still haven't finished my childrens book, and i really do intend to submit that to a publisher but there is the part of me that fears rejection, that i think is just holding me back.

Ah well this was just a post of rantings really I suppose....stupid piano music making me actually slow down and think. Peas out for now peeps....yes....peas.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Transformers 2

LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. I love Shia LaBeouf! I thought the movie was done really well and while I really REALLY don't remember the orginal series all that well it seemed like it had a good flow to it. Next up on the list of movies to see: Public Enemies (Johnny Depp here I come!)

Friday, June 26, 2009

hair today...gone tomorrow....(no not really tomorrow)

so i'm trying to find a "post-wedding" hair style and i like these both....the problem being i'm not sure how short i can actually get away with and i think i might want some sort of bang again.....any opinions?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i don't like gift registries j and i did that the other day and good lord....i think that is one of the most stressful things you can do.....but its done now....and js parents are buying our bed and my parents are buying the washer dryer and i'm soooo freaking ready to move into the new place....oh and i found a couch that i am going to try to get bought before i move......sooo...essentially i'm going to move my books, dvds, tvs, computers, a chair, and all my clothes and hobbies and thats'll be wierd not to move big things...anyway....totally ready to move and be happy.....four months and two weeks!! yeay!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Am I a .....TREKIE!? *gulp*

I can't decide to tell you the truth. My friend has decided she is a full blown trekie.....but still I hesitate to call myself one as I'm still just in love with the movie really. I don't know...perhaps I should go back and watch some of the shows.....I might find that I like them more.....but I have a feeling it will still drive me up the wall to listen to William Shatner....pause....between....every.....word......anyway....just mulling things over right now. I'll let you know the outcome!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Whats in YOUR purse....

So i'm feeling a little kooky....and I wanted to know what was in YOUR purse.... in mine you can see.....and Ipod touch a cell phone three ink pens a pack of gum a set of headphones my flat wallet my change case and some wal mart gift cards....anyhooch....back to you!

X-Men Origins

Ok so tottally enjoyed this movie. Just got back from it and while I was semi-dissapointed with the digital graphics and what not (ex: wolverines claws.....sadly looked really fake sometimes) the movie in general was great! I soooo tottally wish Gambit had been in more of the X-Men movies...I love love love him and his powers......and ....I'm expectin another X-Men movie sometime within the next couple of years....I least it appears that way....anyway....just needed to gush about the movie....tottally fun.....just wish my girls would come visit