Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life on the Crazy Train

I feel like i can't get off....and i REALLY really want to. Work was hectic tonight....had a bit of an accident. Fire. Near Chemicals. Scary. Luckily everyone is fine so no biggie. I think the guys about wet themselves however since they were the closest.
73 days till the wedding. I'm excited. Scared. Worried. Happy. Hopeful. And thousands of other emotions I can't even being to describe. I need to be packing up more of my stuff but i'm so wiped most of the time it just doesn't get done. I really jsut want to pack up my nicknacks, pictures, dvds, cat and leave the rest behind, but then thats such a waste. I wish we as a people weren't so materialistic.

On another note, I wish all the stories that are crammed in my head would either get out or work themselves into something good. So many bits and pieces in my imagination, I can't help thinking that if I only had the time to sit down and actually write something good might actually come out. I still haven't finished my childrens book, and i really do intend to submit that to a publisher but there is the part of me that fears rejection, that i think is just holding me back.

Ah well this was just a post of rantings really I suppose....stupid piano music making me actually slow down and think. Peas out for now peeps....yes....peas.